Immunization Clinic

The Ellsworth County Health Department will be at your child's school on May 7, 2024 to offer school required immunizations that are past due or coming due in the fall. If you are unsure if your child is due or past due for immunizations, you can contact Nurse Bonnie at the school, the ECHD, or your child's primary care provider.

If you would like the Health Department to get your student caught up on May 7th, please visit the following link to the District Website for the information letter and CONSENT form AND the INSURANCE INFORMATION form that needs to accompany the signed consent form. There is a consent form specific to Child (K-5th grades) and another consent form specific to adolescent vaccines (6th-12th grades). CONSENT forms are due back to your child's school on May 3rd.

Please let me know or call the Ellsworth County Health Department if you have any questions!

6th graders entering 7th grade in the Fall and Sophomores entering Junior year:

*Meningococcal-Serogroup A,C,W,Y (MenACWY): Two doses required. Doses should be given at entry to 7th grade (11-12 years) and 11th grade (16-18 years). For children 16-18 years, with no previous MenACWY, only one dose is required.

*A dose of Tdap is required at entry to 7th grade (11-12 years) and all students in grades 7-12 must have one dose of Tdap regardless of the interval since the last dose of Dtap or Td

College Bound Students:

If your student will be attending college in the fall, many require the Men B, so be sure to check into that and we would be happy to get those caught up for them!