
Kanopolis Middle School

210 S. Iowa

Kanopolis, KS 67454


Hours of Attendance: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Home of the Bulldogs!

Kanopolis Middle School (KMS) is a student-centered 4th, 5th and 6th grade school that provides a bridge between the elementary school and the junior high school with an enrollment of approximately 150 students. Programs offered at KMS provide a strong foundation in academics, plus opportunities to discover areas of interest through unique educational and social experiences. A balance between academic goals and human needs is stressed for this critical period of adolescent development. Students learn character development, teamwork, responsibilities, collaboration, and cooperation. They are also taught the importance of embracing diversity and the value of individual uniqueness.

Students at Starbase 2

Student in Helicopter

The school community share in the responsibility of creating the best possible learning experience and education. This shared responsibility enables students to grow and develop during the middle school years. The faculty consists of a building administrator and twenty-one certified and classified staff. KMS has a 1-to-1 Chromebook initiative that allows our teachers to stay on the cutting edge of educational trends and technology.

The dedicated administrative team, teaching staff, support staff, parents and community strengthen the efforts of KMS to provide the best educational opportunities for students. KMS offers special education, gifted and at-risk programs as well as counseling, social work and speech therapy.

The Board of Education has made a commitment to keep class sizes low and to continuously upgrade facilities and equipment to provide a safe environmental conductive to learning. Teachers strive to engage students in real-world problems in rigorous curriculum based on high quality local, state and national standards.


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