
USD #327 Parents and Guardians,

Due to the extreme heat predicted over the next few days, we will be taking precautions to ensure our students and staff’s safety and well-being. 

  • Staying hydrated will be important.  To assist in this we kindly ask all students to bring a refillable water bottle labeled with their name to school to help in their staying well-hydrated throughout the day. Students will be allowed to refill these before dismissal to ensure they remain hydrated on their way home from school. Refillable bottles of water will be available to those who may not have a water bottle, ensuring every student will have easy access to hydration throughout the day. 
  • Outdoor recess and activities will be monitored and modified as temperatures increase throughout the school day.  Indoor recess may be provided as needed to allow students to enjoy their break while staying in a more controlled and comfortable environment. 
  • Extra-curricular activities and athletics will be monitored and modified as needed.  Please watch for communication from Mr. Davis and your student’s coaches on changes to practice schedules.

We greatly appreciate your partnership in ensuring your child's safety during this extreme hot weather. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and adjust our plans as needed.

 Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me or your child’s school office.

Warm regards,

Deena Hilbig

USD 327, Superintendent